Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Upcoming Sample Sale

From Wednesday 30. May to Saturday 2. June you should definitely pay a visit to Blender Agency for their exclusive sample sale. Their last sale, that took place in December, was a good surprise with great affordable prices. Thus, if you happen to be in Oslo and like bargains,happy shopping!


me said...

ahh bummer Lisbon is too far away hehe
(The Stiletto Effect)

Anonymous said...

tack for info! ca hvor mye pleier det å være nedsatt?

The Fashion Economist said...

Susana: Yeah, hehe - it's probably not worth the hassle;)

Anonymous: De har juicy bukser til 500 og ulike jeans til rundt 1000. Selv kjøpte jeg en deilig t-shirt fra C&C California for 150 kr. Ta turen, da vel;)