Sunday, February 28, 2010

H&M's got the Blues

H&M's ongoing campaign "The Blues" encourages you to upload your fresh blue looks" to for the change to appear on Check out all the styles here and be inspired by the top 50 entries. I'm looking for a denim shirt and a denim jacket - two wardrobe essentials for the upcoming season. Perhaps I'll just head for H&M?


Tessi said...

Kan du fortelle meg hvor vi kan få tak i garden collection til hm??? Så utrolig masse fint derfra!


The Fashion Economist said...

Helt enig! Gled deg til slutten av mars. Først da lanseres kolleksjonen. Om du ikke allerede har gjort det, kan du få en forhåndsvisning av kolleksjonen her


play deal or no deal said...

nice post man also love her fasionable item so here are nice shoes looking very good so thank u given this type of post...thank u