Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rodarte Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear Collection


Milla Jovovich ser som vanlig ulastelig kul ut på fashion show.

Kate og Laura Mulleavy, designersøstrene bak Rodarte blir sett på som noen av de mest talentfulle designerspirene. Og det er ikke uten grunn. Høstkolleksjonen 2009 viser at de har kommet en lang vei siden debutvisningen for våren 2006. Enda mer imponerende er det at designerne er mer eller mindre selvskolerte. Jeg bøyer meg i støvet mens jeg drømmer om fyrstikkben for å passe inn i de lårhøye lakkstrømpestøvlene...

Kate and Laura Mulleavy, the designer sisters behind Rodarte, are regarded as two of the most talented of all the fresh designers. Their Fall 2009 ready-to-wear collection proves that they have come a long way since their debut at the New Yok fashion week Spring 2006. With no professional design education, I'm really impressed by their achievements. Also, I'm dreaming about their stunning over-knee boots...


Kira Aderne said...

HI Fashion!

Thanks a lot for passing at my blog! Your taste is fantastic! And I really enjoy your choices here. Those boots are for really long legs! Amazing collection!

a kiss and a hug for you,
See you!!


The Fashion Economist said...

Thank you so much, Kira!
I'm glad that we can inspire each other - even though we're on two different parts of the world.
That's Fashion United:)