I've been double tagged!
Both Couture Bowl and Ladybird want me to post seven random facts about myself, so here it goes:
1) When I was a little child I loved chewing gum so much that I used to scratch those already. chewed gums off the ground and put them in my mouth (ehh! I know...).
2) I love participating in competitions, and I once won a laptop:-)
3) My favourite dress is the one I bought at a market in Bangkok for 80 kr ($14)
4) I'm always happy when the sun shines
5) Cinnamon is my favourite spice, and I sprinkle it over my cereal, fruit salad, tea, and milk.
6) My favourite sport is mountain climbing and I don't mind the bruises - as long as I make it to the top!
7) I have no problems with falling in sleep - in the car, on the plane or on the train....Zzz
Den tyggegummi hobbyen din var litt vel drøy... haha. Men du har jo alltid vært økonimisk;)
Hehe:) Joda, men har heldigvis gått vekk fra den fritidssysselen nå. Økonomisk tankegang kjøres i dag på et litt annet nivå...;-)
Tror eg gjorde tyggis stuntet sjøl i en lav alder...
Hehe... men det ble jo folk av oss, likevel, så det kan tydeligvis ikke ha vært så falig...:D
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