Sunday, March 04, 2007

Saturday's Party Outfit

Saturday night I went to my friend's birthday party wearing my new dress from H&M (that you might have seen in the ads), pulled together with a silk ribbon. The necklace and shoes are from ASOS, eel skin purse from Becksöndergaard, while the leggings are cut off tights.


Anonymous said...

Wow! You look amazing!


B said...

oi. Jeg har den samme kjolen fra hm, men har alltid syntes den er litt uformlig, men å ha ett silkebånd i livet var en fin touch. Det skal jeg prøve også. Fin fint antrekk ellers også.

The Fashion Economist said...

Ja, kjolen kan gi litt "telt-følelese" når den bare henger rett ned, så gå for silkebånd, du.