Monday, January 08, 2007

Five Facts about The Fashion Economist

I've been challenged by Fashionfiles to reveal five things about myself that you probably didn't know. Well, here comes five stunning facts about the Fashion Economist:

1) As a little girl I was a huge fan of Samantha Fox. Little did I know of her true career. I just loved her for her music, and played "Touch me" over and over again on my cassette player.

2) I've been an exchange student in Bangkok and lived five months in an apartment complex with a pool and cleaning ladies 6 days a week:)

3) I've featured in a commercial for Tiger Beer

4) I share my first name with the editor of French Vogue

5) I pretty much walk everywhere as I hate spending money on bus tickets.

Shocking, isn't it?
OK, I'll pass on the torch... I hereby challenge Fashion-Faux-Pas and Freshness to reveal something about themselves.


Anonymous said...

Carine, is it? Jeg var også fan av Samantha..Jeg og ei venninne hadde opptreden i hagen for alle nabobarna med sangen Touch Me..hehe..huff..

The Fashion Economist said...

Jepp, bare at mitt navn skrives med K.
Hehe! Jeg hadde Samantha-plakat på rommet, som mamma selvsagt hatet. Moro med barndomsminner:)

fashion.faux.pas said...

Hei, så ikke denne før nå, men jeg skal ta den challenge greia.