Saturday, December 09, 2006

Movie Review: The Holiday

OK, it might be unrealistic, it might not be very complex, and the story might be slightly unbelievable.

However, it did make me laugh, it did make me weep, and I did find the characters quite charming. Perhaps I was coloured by the fact that I was watching the movie alone on a Saturday night in an almost empty cinema, but even still, I found the romantic comedy, "The Holiday" both entertaining and sweet.

The movie will have its premiere in Norway on Friday 15.Th, but if you find it hard to wait, check out its trailer here


Anonymous said...

Den filmen har jeg lyst til å se! Så klipp fra den på "God Kveld Norge" i går, og den så morsom ut. :) Dessuten har jeg veldig sansen for Kate Winslet.

Caroline said...

Creds for å gå på kino alene! Julen er tiden for lette filmer (og storfilmer og egentlig alle filmer), så kanskje det blir en tur på kino for meg og.

The Fashion Economist said...

Å gå på kino alene var mindre skummelt enn jeg trodde, og julen er absolutt kinotid!