The Victor and Rolf hysteria continues... At 00:01 parts of the designer collection were launched at H&M for online shopping. Still craving for the trench (that I was not allowed to buy from the store as the one I found in the store had a rift on it's arm and therefore had to be sent back to the the head office...), I logged on to the site in due time.
The speed was extremely slow, but at last I managed to click on the trench icon, get the right size in the shopping bag and proceed to check out. Everything seemed to work surprisingly fine. The jacked was almost mine!
But then, as the order was verified the trench suddenly turned out to be sold out! Really annoying when I had "reserved" it in my shopping bag.
Thus, I ended up with nothing but frustration and an hour less sleep...
Did anyone of you have similar experiences?
Hello! Yes I did. Tried to buy the tights, the jeans, the white shirt... All went smoothly till check out. Then it was sold-out.
But there's a tiny chance that returns will be up on the net! Thats my last hope for the jeans, anyways...
Really annoying, but I guess there was a real rush at the site.
There might as well be returns to the stores. In so case, you should pay regular visits to your nearest H&Ms.
Dette skjedde med meg i fjor. Jeg trodde jeg hadde varen i min hule hånd, men nei da...den var utsolgt på vei til kassa! Snakk om nedtur... Håper det ordner seg for deg på et vis! ;-)
Don't worry about the jeans. I tried theme on in the store, and they really weren't that flattering... But the tights I got, really cute!!;)
Så frustrerende med den trenchen... Ihvertfall når du var så nær! Nesten glad jeg ikke prøvde. Blir spennende å se hvem som skal designe til neste år da!
I appreciate that, Jameshkoler. Keep on reading my blog:)
Glemte helt nett-V&R, men det var kanskje likegreit...
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